
Support Services 

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Canadians who are directly affected by a situation of maltreatment in sport may be admissible to a range of support services, including mental health referrals and legal aid.

Mental Health Support Program

Beyond the initial support provided by operators at the Abuse-Free Sport Helpline, eligible individuals have access to a suite of services through the Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport. Even before filing a complaint, they could be referred to psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors, mental performance consultants, psychiatrists, and physicians.

For Mental Health Tips & Strategies, click here.

To consult the Continuum of Mental Health Indicators, click here.

Legal Aid Program

Abuse-Free Sport also provide access, under certain admissibility conditions, to a pool of specialized lawyers who offer legal advice and assistance to help parties navigate the Complaint Management and the Sport Environement Assessment processes. 


(Click for Mental Health Tips & Strategies)

Help us help you!

If you’ve accessed any of our Abuse-Free Sport support services (Mental Health Support Program, Legal Aid Program or Helpline) please fill out this brief questionnaire so we can improve and better serve you.


