
Call for Proposals 

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The Call for proposals is closed


The overall objective of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada’s (“SDRCC”) Abuse-Free Sport Research Grant Program (“Program”) is to invest in safe sport research to maintain and increase the understanding of the behaviours that need to be reinforced or prevented, and to evaluate the impact of the Abuse-Free Sport program and initiatives. This will improve the development of effective policies, processes and practices, enhancing the sport experience for all. 

Grant Value and Duration

For 2023-2024, applicants can request up to $30,000 for one-year grants. Depending on the nature of the project, annual funding for up to three (3) consecutive years may be provided by the SDRCC. Applicants for such projects can request for a maximum of $90,000 over three (3) years. It is expected that funds will be spent on an annual basis. Continuation of research funding beyond the first year of the three-year grant period is subject to the availability of funds and to satisfactory performance of the initiative which is assessed by the SDRCC through progress reports from grant recipients. Note that there is no automatic extension for the use of funds.

Eligibility and Requirements


Proposals should focus on the following research priorities:

A) Methodological Approaches

The Program will prioritize research proposals that:

  • Apply an intersectional lens in order to engage ALL sport participants and to understand marginalized groups when it comes to their experience with safe sport;
  • Have an interdisciplinary approach to draw knowledge from other disciplines and fields, and adapt it to the sport context; and
  • Have an overall approach that is collaborative through all levels of sport, using participatory/intervention researches in order to develop a meaningful impact on the sport community in Canada.

B) Themes

During the 2022 Research Symposium, participants have identified a few gaps in safe sport research, mainly due to a lack of publications or lack of existing data. In the short term, the following research themes were highlighted as needing more attention:

  • Development of standardized measurement tools (e.g., using common terminology and research questions);
  • Prevalence of maltreatment in sport at the community level;
  • Inclusion of various sport participants (e.g., athletes, officials, administrators, coaches, etc.);
  • Evaluation of victim/survivor support programs and other safe sport initiatives; and
  • Best practices to foster a safe culture for all sports, at all levels.


C) Evaluation of the Abuse-Free Sport Program

The Abuse-Free Sport program launched its operations in June 2022, with the aim of preventing and addressing maltreatment in sport, and influencing a positive culture shift within the Canadian sport system. During this initial year, the following elements of the program were either established or expanded to serve the objectives of the Abuse-Free Sport program.

Research proposals evaluating these Abuse-Free Sport initiatives will be prioritized:

  • Complaint Management Process / Sport Environment Assessments;
  • Support Services;
  • Education Accreditation Program / Education Library;
  • Research Grant Program;
  • Webinar Series;
  • Abuse-Free Sport Helpline;
  • Safeguarding Tribunal.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the proposed project aligns with the 2023-2024 SDRCC’s research priorities.


Applications may be submitted by one applicant, or by a team of researchers consisting of one or more co-applicants and/or collaborators.

To apply to the Program, applicants are required to complete all necessary documents for submission (see Application Process section below). The applicant and/or co-applicants can be affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary institution at the time of application. Applicants who are not affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary institution are also encouraged to apply, but should ensure to obtain proper ethics approval for their research project (please contact the SDRCC should you need more information). Any individual who contributes significantly to the project is considered a collaborator. Collaborators do not need to be affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary institution.

Applicants who have received a grant through the Program, but have failed to submit the necessary documents (e.g., final report, progress report, confirmation of use of funds) by the deadline specified in the grant agreement are not eligible to apply to another grant, until they have submitted the necessary documents.

Progress Reports:

A progress report is required no later than six (6) months after the announcement of funding and should be provided every six (6) months until the research end date. The progress report will inform the SDRCC of any important changes affecting the nature of the project, as well as provide information on preliminary findings and/or advancement.

Final Research Report:

A final research report is to be submitted to the SDRCC at the end of the allocated funding period. The SDRCC will own the final report submitted by the researchers, with the right of the SDRCC to reproduce, translate and publish such report with proper recognition of the author(s). Researchers are the sole proprietary of all data collected during the accomplishment of their mandate, with full rights to publish their findings.

Application Process

The Program follows a two-stage process:

1) Following a call for proposals, interested applicants must complete the Expression of Interest form, to determine whether the SDRCC’s present interests and available funds permit consideration of a full proposal;

2) Only invited proposals will be considered and reviewed. Applicants must submit a full proposal of maximum 10 pages that details their project following item 3.b) of the Abuse-Free Sport Research Grant Program Guidelines.

Key Dates and Deadlines

  • Launch of call for proposals: October 10, 2023
  • Deadline for the submission of the Expression of Interest form: November 20, 2023*
  • Announcement of invited project for Full Proposals: December 8, 2023
  • Deadline for the submission of Full Proposals: February 19, 2024*
  • Announcement of successful grant applicants: March 20, 2024
  • Deadline to sign the grant agreement: March 31, 2024
  • Deadline for submission of first progress report: September 20, 2024
  • Deadline for submission of second progress report for multi-year projects: January 22, 2025
  • Deadline for submission of final report for single-year projects: March 20, 2025

*Proposals submitted after the deadlines will not be considered.

Contact Information

For more information, contact us.

Relevant Documentation
