
Grant Recipients and Published Reports 

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Click on the years below to learn the names of the grant recipients and the titles of their funded projects, and to access the published reports.

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Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023-2024 Abuse-Free Sport Research Grant Program! A total of nine research projects will be funded through this program for the 2023-2024 year.


Nom du titulaire de la subvention Titre du projet de recherche

Simon Darnell

University of Toronto

Evaluating Collaborative Best Practices in Fostering a Positive, Safe and Brave Culture for Youth in Sport

Lindsay Duncan

McGill University

Strength in Support: Identifying Key Actors and Actions to Support Athletes’ Positive Reintegration into Sport Following Experiences with Disordered Eating and/or Body Shaming-Related Maltreatment

Audrey Giles

University of Ottawa

Baby Steps Towards Safe(r) Policies: Examining Canadian Safe Sport Policies and Support for Pregnant and Parenting Athletes 

Joseph Gurgis

Ontario Tech University

Developing and Evaluating the Canadian Handbook of Safe Sport: A Comprehensive Guide for Sport Stakeholders in Promoting Safe Sport Practices

Lyndsay Hayhurst

York University

Investigating the Utility of Trauma-and Violence-Informed Sport for Development in Supporting Youth SGBV Survivors in Canada

Laura Misener

Western University

Understanding Abuse-Free Sport Policies and Programs in Interuniversity Sport

Catherine Sabiston

University of Toronto

Assessing Athlete Maltreatment: Questionnaire Development and Nationwide Prevalence Study in Canada

Sarah Teetzel

University of Manitoba

Impacts of Racism on Community Sport Dropout and Retention: An Intersectional Analysis of Girls’ Experiences of Racism and Knowledge of Mechanisms to Support Abuse-Free Sport

Michael Van Bussell

Brock University

Safe Sport Education: An Evaluation of Safe Sport Resources and Instruction in Canada and Internationally


All final reports will be translated into both official languages.

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Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022-2023 Abuse-Free Sport Research Grant Program! A total of nine research projects were funded through this program for the 2022-2023 year.


Grant Recipient Name Research Project Title

Danielle Cyr

Royal Roads University

More than Medals: Challenging Organizational Cultures That Inhibit Social and Leadership Development in Performance Sport

Research project objectives: 

  • Understand what aspects of organizational culture inhibit or support coaches for social and leadership development. Provide recommendations to remove or lessen barriers and enhance supports;
  • Develop a framework to support repurposing and transforming organizational culture factors that facilitate and perpetuate non accidental violence and abuse;
  • Provide a transformative process for performance coaches and athletes to question the inherited ideologies and values of the Canadian performance sport system;
  • Develop a framework to identify key areas of the Canadian performance sport system that need to change, adapt or enhance to better support performance sport for social and leadership development.

Simon Darnell

University of Toronto

Published Report

Fostering a Positive, Safe and Brave Culture for Youth in Sport

Research project objectives: 

  • Inform the development of policies, methodologies, and strategies aimed at fostering trust-based cultures and creating positive environments that acknowledge the intersecting diversity of young individuals in the realm of sport.

Guylaine Demers

Université Laval

Inclusive and safe sport environments for LGBTQ2+ coaches and referees: identification of barriers and potential solutions*

Research project objectives: 

  • Identify lived experiences and barriers encountered by coaches and officials who are part of the sexual and gender diversity;
  • Identify best practices to include coaches and officials who are part of the sexual and gender diversity;
  • Develop tools used in knowledge transfer to equip the Canadian sport community when faced with LGBTQ2+ challenges.

Curtis Fogel

Brock University

Published Report

Digital Violence in Canadian Sport

Research project objectives: 

  • Determine the forms, characteristics, prevalence, and harms of digital violence in sport in Canada.

Janice Forsyth

University of British Columbia

Published Report

Appendix A

Addressing the Silence: Understanding Safe Sport for Indigenous Participants in Canada

Research project objectives: 

  • Inform our understanding of why indigenous athletes and coaches believe silence is their best option for addressing the abuse they experience;
  • Provide clear insight on the critical constraints that need to be addressed in working towards safe sport for indigenous participants;
  • Provide recommendations on how to make the Abuse-Free Sport program in Canada safe for Indigenous participants.

Joseph Gurgis

Ontario Tech

Published Report

Investigating Equity-Denied Sport Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the Barriers and Facilitators to Experiencing Safe Sport

Research project objectives: 

  • Explore the barriers and facilitators to experiencing safe sport among equity-denied sport stakeholders;
  • Identify recommendations to advance safe sport for equity-denied sport stakeholders.

Katie Misener

University of Waterloo

A National Investigation of Safe Sport Practices and Decision-Making in Community Sport Organizations in Canada

Research project objectives: 

  • Understand current community sport organizations (CSO) safe sport practices and assess if it is in alignment with recommended/mandated practices from governing bodies;
  • Explore aspects of CSOs organizational capacity and leaders’ abilities to manage safe sport (e.g., practices and policies).

Sylvie Parent

Université Laval

Analysis of the training needs of stakeholders working with athletes about maltreatment in sports environment*

Research project objectives: 

  • Analyze training needs for the integrated support team and sport administrators (stakeholders) regarding athlete maltreatment;
  • Describe the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and behaviors of different categories of stakeholders regarding athlete maltreatment;
  • Evaluate stakeholders’ readiness for change regarding athlete maltreatment.

Tracy Vaillancourt

University of Ottawa

A Tolerated Intolerable: A Longitudinal Examination of Soccer Referee Abuse in Canada and its Impact on Health

Research project objectives: 

  • Explore the prevalence and the health impacts of referee abuse in soccer in Canada;
  • Examine the short- and long-term impact of exposure to workplace violence on physical and mental health;
  • Examine the interaction effects of individual and contextual factors on the relation between violence, exposure and health;
  • Examine the indirect effects or multiple reciprocal processes on physical and mental health in relation to workplace violence.


*Translated from the original French title.

All final reports will be translated into both official languages.
