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Accredited Education & Training

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NCCP Creating a Positive Sport Environment

by the Coaching Association of Canada



Participant-centered coaching strategies are an effective way to establish a safe and inclusive sport culture. After completing this module, you will be able to: 

  • Describe the characteristics and benefits of participant-centered coaching 
  • Explain the types of harm that may occur when a coach misuses their power and how to respond to suspicions or knowledge of maltreatment 
  • Use positive coaching strategies to create a positive sport environment, enhance safety, and improve learning and performance 


Content Standards Adressed:

A. Definitions, descriptions and examples of prohibited behaviour as outlined in the UCCMS;

B. Signs and symptoms of the various types of maltreatment;

C. Information regarding duty to report concerns for any concern within and outside of child protection;

D. Scope of application of the UCCMS to Canadian sport; and

E. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for those with direct participant contact, including participants, and those with no direct participant contact.


Target Audience: 14+

Level of Sport: Grassroots, Club, Provincial, National

Delivery Method: Online training

Language: English and French

Duration: 40-50 minutes

Cost: $15 CAD


Accreditation badge number 012

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